Teach Elapsed Time

Investigating Elapsed Time Activity books are copyable teacher resources for grades K-1, 2-3, and 4-5. Each Workbook is complete with Standards, Vocabulary, Pre- and Post-tests, Answer Key, and 12 days of Lesson plans. Each Lesson plan includes: Length of Lesson, Objective, Materials, Activity, and Discussion.

Math Track™ Refresher

Teach Elapsed Time with Math Track™

This video shows McKenzie, a third grader, learning elapsed time using Math Track™.

Elapsed Time from Phillip Braun on Vimeo.

What is the EZ 1-2-3 Refresher Course?

In this video, Barbara Spotts, math coach and founder of Johnny’s Key, introduces time using the EZ 1-2-3 method with the EZ 1-2-3 Refresher Course.

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