Johnny’s Key, LLC was established in June, 2010. Currently, it is a sole proprietorship owned/operated by founder, Barbara Spotts, Master Teacher and Educational Consultant with over 25 years teaching experience. Barbara, who has a Master’s degree in Special Education, also served as a Master Teacher for the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit in central Pennsylvania for five years, under the three federal grant programs listed:
Math Pro -Math Proficiency for All Learners
MSIM – Math and Science in Motion
MASS – Math and Science Standards in Motion
Johnny’s Key offers the following services:
Teacher Training on how to use the Math Track and Time Pieces™ to teach over 100 K-5 standards.
*Free Teacher Training with school-wide Classroom purchase at every grade level K-5
Professional Development and Teacher In-Services
In-Service costs
Half day $750 (plus Travel expenses)
Full day $1200 (plus Travel expenses)
Professional Development/Teacher In-Services
Johnny’s Key offers the following Professional Development options to schools:
- Professional Development/In-Service
- Teacher training in the use of the elapsed time teaching products.
Professional Development In-Services include the following topics:
- Model over 100 K-5 CC Math Standards on the Math Track!
- Questioning strategies in mathematics: (Are the questions you pose driving students to deeper understanding?)
- Stand up, and shut up!: Transitioning from math teacher to facilitator
- Generalizing Arithmetic: When does algebra begin?
- Equality: And its common misconceptions.
- Math Class: The best place to have an argument!
- A Mathematical Journey: What a Math class should look and sound like.
- Elapsed Time: Making an abstract concept concrete.
- Memorizing the facts: Why can’t kids learn them like we did?
- Content Strand Overview: What are the Big Ideas in Math? (Grade specific)
For more information about our professional development and teacher in-service options, contact us.
Learn About Our Products
Everything you need to teach ELAPSED TIME (and more) with remarkable success.
Inquire About Our Services
Teacher Training
Professional Development
Practical, Professional Development that can be implemented in the classroom the next day!